President Trump is scheduled to visit Louisiana next Tuesday to highlight job growth of the energy sector in Cameron Parish as he’ll tour Sempra Energy’s 10-billion dollar liquefied natural gas export facility. Cameron Parish Assistant Administrator Darrell Williams says they are elated for the visit.
Cut 3 (06) “…places to visit.”
A bill that would up the amount of time a minor has to work before getting a break from five hours to eight hours has stalled in the House after a heated argument on the lower chamber floor. Baton Rouge Representative Denise Marcelle says the legislation would endanger teen’s education, and it’s unfair to push them to work seven and a half hours straight while paying them 7.25 an hour. Bill writer, Bossier City Representative Raymond Crews countered saying teenagers have not proven their worth yet, leading to this confrontation…
One day after the Senate rejected legislation to abolish the death penalty, the House Governmental Affairs Committee approved a bill that would allow the state to keep it a secret on where they purchase lethal drugs to carry out an execution. Alison McCrary, a nun for the Sisters for Christian Community spoke in opposition
Louisiana has not carried out an execution since 2010 and a major stumbling block is the state’s inability to acquire the drugs needed to perform a lethal injection, because pharmaceutical companies do not want to be associated with it. After a lengthy discussion, Haughton Representative Dodie Horton was ready to send the bill to the House floor
Cut 15 (12) “…bill favorably.”
It passed on an 8-2 vote. It now faces more discussion on the House floor. It’s also been approved by House Criminal Justice.