A bill that would up the amount of time a minor has to work before getting a break from five hours to eight hours has stalled in the House after a heated argument on the lower chamber floor. Tensions built up from other labor bills spilled over into this debate, as the premise shocked lawmakers like New Orleans Representative Gary Carter.
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Supporters of the bill say it would increase teen employment opportunities.
CenLA Law enforcement believe there are women out there who was held captive by a man identified as 56-year-old Justin Walters of Colfax. Grant Parish Sheriff Steven McCain says says the suspect used social media to start a relationship with his victims…
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One day after the Senate rejected legislation to abolish the death penalty, the House Governmental Affairs Committee approved a bill that would allow the state to keep it a secret on where they purchase lethal drugs to carry out an execution. Opponents argue it’s wrong for the state to keep drugs used in a lethal injection a secret. Scott Sternberg with the Louisiana Press Association says this issue demands transparency.
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Louisiana has not carried out an execution since 2010 and a major stumbling block is the state’s inability to acquire the drugs needed to perform a lethal injection, because pharmaceutical companies do not want to be associated with it. After a lengthy discussion, Haughton Representative Dodie Horton was ready to send the bill to the House floor.
Cut 15 (12) “…bill favorably.”
It passed on an 8-2 vote. It now faces more discussion on the House floor. It’s also been approved by House Criminal Justice.