330PM LRN News

NFL Commissioner Rodger Goodell addressed the controversial NFC Championship no-call today at a press conference, saying he understands the fans’ frustrations, and that it was a “play we want to have called”. The commish noted the competition committee will consider rules changes over the summer addressing no-calls, but…

Cut 6 (10) “…every time”

Goodell noted that suggestions that no-calls should be challengeable have been met with significant resistance in the past, due to the complicated and unforeseen consequences of such a significant expansion of officiating oversight.

And Saints coach Sean Payton, who sits on the competition committee that will consider the rule changes, says like many in the Black and Gold Nation he was heartbroken, and treated his blues the best way he knew how…

Cut 3 (10) “…it’s probably sugar.”

Gueydan High School students in Vermilion Parish are back in class after an extended weekend thanks to a bat infestation.  Kevin Barnhart has the story.

Cut 2 (30) “I’m Kevin Barnhart”  

28-year-old former Rayne High School coach Caitlyn Miceli has been cited for having sex with three of her students, and because the students were all over the age of 18, the citation is a misdemeanor Prohibited Sexual Conduct between an educator and student, a law that comes into effect when teachers sleep with students who are of the legal age of consent.