The Harahan Police Department’s recent offer to screen methamphetamine for the Zika virus has captured the attention of social media and news outlets across the globe. In a Facebook post, the department encouraged meth users to bring all of their drug to police for free testing. Police Chief Tim Walker acknowledges it was a ruse and says the social media post has already received over 500,000 views in the two days since it was posted.
Cut 4 (06) “…world its interesting.″
Only one person in Louisiana was sentenced to death this year, David Brown of Lafourche Parish, who was convinced of sexually assaulting, then murdering a mother and her two daughters, and setting their house on fire in 2012. Executive Director Death Penalty Information Center Executive Director Robert Dunham says that follows a nationwide trend of an 85 percent decline in death sentences.
Cut 6 (08) “…the country”
Tomorrow it will be legal to have cameras installed in your loved one’s nursing home room to keep an eye on them. Matt Doyle has more.