An invisible menace haunts the beaches of Florida this summer, Connor Ferrill has more.
Cut 1 (30) “I’m Connor Ferrill”
The NBA free agency period starts this Sunday at 12:01AM, and the Pelicans have a lot of big decisions to make. Locked On Pelicans Publisher Jake Madison says it could be a dramatic few days. Bringing back the same crew likely will not be enough to push the team past Houston, Golden State, or a potential LeBron led Lakers team. Locked On Pelicans Publisher Jake Madison says the teams options are limited when it comes to bringing in that 3 and D wing they’ve been missing for more than half a decade.
Southwest Louisiana US Congressman Clay Higgins is introducing legislation that would require imported seafood be held to the same safety standards as American seafood. The Imported Seafood Safety Standards Act would beef up the amount of inspections conducted on foreign fish. Higgins says US protecting US seafood isn’t just a Bayou issue. Higgins says allowing tons of uninspected food from countries with lax regulations to end up on American plates could be a public safety issues.
The heat that has impacted the state this past week is now expected to continue through the weekend. According to state climatologist Barry Keim, a weak trough is expected to form along the northern Gulf Coast and will increase the chance for thunderstorms and bring down temps around the area.
Cut 12 (07) “…mid to upper nineties”