Today East Baton Rouge District Attorney Hillar Moore unveiled more details about the fatal ambush on Baton Rouge police officers last July that killed three and left three others wounded. Moore provided the public with the shooter’s suicide note and says it’s clear Gavin Long came to Baton Rouge to inflict pain on police officers.
Cut 6 (10) “didn’t matter”
Long said in his suicide note that something had to be done to punish “bad cops” after a white police officer fatally shot a black man in Baton Rouge.
A Breaux Bridge man accused of running over three teenage girls in 2014 pleaded guilty today. Authorities say 34-year-old Jeremy Abraham was driving twice the speed limit when he struck the girls with his truck, killing two of them. Abraham pleaded guilty to two counts of vehicular homicide and one count of vehicular negligent injury.
Brain eating amoebas were found in the water systems in Ouachita and Terrebonne parish. State health officer Dr. Jimmy Guidry says the Department of Health is asking these systems to treat the water with more chlorine to get rid of the amoebas.
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Guidry urges residents not to get the water in their nose.
More people than ever are expected to hit the road this Fourth of July weekend, according to AAA. Spokesperson Don Redman says that’s because the price of gas is so low, and people are feeling better about the economic climate.
Cut 5 “to travel”
Over 37 million people will drive to their vacation destinations.