Governor Edwards pushed back today against a special interest group that’s airing an attack ad claiming he broke promises about keeping the voucher program. Emelie Gunn has more…
A bill to prevent members of the LGBT from not being hired or being fired because of their sexual orientation or gender identity has won the approval of a Senate committee. Halen Doughty has more…
CUT 2 (28) “I’m Halen Doughty”
The alleged shooter of the former Saints player Will Smith has been indicted on charges of second degree murder and attempted murder. Legal analyst Tim Meche says it looks like the Orleans Parish District Attorney is handling the case against Cardell Hayes cautiously.
The indictment came down during the middle of a preliminary hearing that was called to establish probable cause against Hayes. Meche says he’s not surprised the D-A’s office was able to get an indictment, before the defense was able to call witnesses to the stand during today’s preliminary hearing…
Hayes’ Attorney John Fuller said in court today that the prosecution is trying to jam an indictment down. Meche says the DA is just going through the procedure according to the law.
After the indictment, Hayes plead not guilty to four charges. Hayes was also indicted on charges of aggravated assault and aggravated damage to property to go along with the murder and attempted murder charge. His bond has been set at 1.75 million dollars and a motion date has been set for June 3rd.
Two people are dead after a shootout involving a police officer in the small southwest Louisiana town of Carlyss. Calcasieu Parish Sheriff Tony Mancuso says his officers were responding to a 911 call for an armed robbery when they got another call from a man saying people were running through his field close to the location of the burglary. Mancuso says deputies met the individuals in the field.
Mancuso says the suspect fired several shots at the deputies before the officers returned fire. The sheriff says the suspect either died from a gunshot wound from one of his deputies or he killed himself. He says when police approached the suspect, they found another victim.
Mancuso says there was also a female child in the field, and she is unharmed. He says two investigations are ongoing.
Governor John Bel Edwards says the special interest group that’s running attack ads accusing him of breaking his promise about keeping existing school vouchers is not telling the truth. He told reporters Thursday that no student currently receiving a voucher, would lose it…:
Edwards says he’s been told by the Department of Education that there is no plan to take a voucher away from a student, and that he is disingenuously being called a liar. He told a pro-voucher man at the news conference that he never said he was going to zero out funding for vouchers…:
cut 10 (10) “not gonna find it”
Edwards says there are cuts coming to several areas of the state due to the shortfall, and the voucher special interests are upset they aren’t getting preferential treatment. Before the governor spoke, the Louisiana Federation for Children held a press conference featuring parents whose children benefit from the voucher program. New Orleans single mother Corrine Celestine is upset over the proposed cuts.
Baton Rouge mother Pamela Gauthier says her son Joseph has Down syndrome and struggled in public school because teachers didn’t have adequate resources. But she says thanks to the voucher program, Joseph is now excelling at a private school that teachers developmentally disabled children.
A Senate committee has approved the bill to prevent members of the LGBT community from being fired or turned down for jobs because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. New Orleans Senator Troy Carter authored the legislation. He says we need to protect people from discrimination.
Carter says discrimination is still alive, and lawmakers need to do what they can to protect people from that in the workplace.
Lake Charles Senator Ronnie Johns voted against the proposal. He says it could pose problems for business owners
The measure passed on a 4-2 vote and now heads to the Senate floor for more debate.