A Nextstar TV stations/JMC Analytics survey on Louisiana’s gubernatorial runoff finds Democrat John Bel Edwards with a 20 point lead over Republican David Vitter. Eric Gill reports…:
CUT 1 (27) “I’m Eric Gill”
Meanwhile it’s reported that Republican Scott Angelle, who finished third in the primary, is looking at running for the US Senate seat. His best friend, State Senator Fred Mills, told Gannett that a lot of people have been asking Angelle to consider a spot in Congress.
A new Public Policy Poll of GOP voters in Iowa shows Governor Bobby Jindal now has 6% support there, which is up from 4%.
The National Institutes of Health has given Tulane $6.7 million dollars in grant money to study the long term impact of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans and the surrounding regions. Mark VanLandingham, professor of global community health and behavioral sciences at Tulane, says a goal of the study is to create a picture of where the city and different groups of survivors stand more than a decade removed from Hurricane Katrina…:
cut 14 (09) “whole is doing”
The 86-year-old woman in Slidell who was looking for her wedding ring that’s been missing since Halloween night found the sentimental jewelry in her yard. She asked for help from Slidell PD thinking it could have fallen in a kid’s candy bag, and they solicited the help of the public. Sgt. Daniel Seuzeneau says her husband passed away years ago and the ring has a lot of sentimental value…:
CUT 11 (07) “stop smiling”