The Jeff Davis Parish Sheriff’s Office says they’ve arrested a 21-year-old Jennings man on several charges for allegedly breaking in to a family member’s home and assaulting her in front of her two young kids. Spokesman Chris Ivey says Sebastion Hanks allegedly kicked in the door of the victim and began beating her up. He says Hanks was booked into the Jefferson Davis Parish jail…
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The Lafayette Police Department says a man is dead after he allegedly broke into a home. Spokeswoman Nicole Benoit says they were called by the shooter himself around 11 last night…
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Benoit says the homeowner allegedly armed himself, confronted the alleged burglar, and fired two shots at him. The identity of the victim is being witheld upon notification of next of kin. The investigation is ongoing.
The popular Louisiana spice “Slap Ya Mama” has been told by the NFL they can’t have virtual on-field ads during game telecasts anymore citing the fact it may send the wrong message regarding domestic violence. Jack Walker’s mother owns the company and says they’ve never had a problem with anyone associating the brand with any type of domestic violence…
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Cox Media sent a message to the company saying the matter was over domestic violence issues the NFL is facing.
A new panel called the Transportation Funding Task Force plans to meet next month and discuss ways the state can put more towards a better road and bridge system in Louisiana. Ken Perret is the president of the Louisiana Good Roads Association and hopes state leaders will be willing to do something, because the public outcry about road conditions keeps getting louder…
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There’s a reported 12-billion dollar backlog of road and bridge needs.