A new report from Bankrate found 34% of U.S. workers are living paycheck to paycheck. Mel Bridges has more.
The man accused of killing a Loranger woman and her four-year-old daughter will face the death penalty in Louisiana. Brooke Thorington has more.
Cut 2 (32) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”
A new report from Bankrate found more than one-third of U.S. workers say they’re living paycheck to paycheck on their current salary. Bankrate analyst Sarah Foster said the study focused on workers because they’re the group most impacted by the inflated cost of living.
Though the study started this year, Foster believes people have less spending money now than in the past. Workers in the southern United States were most likely to report living paycheck to paycheck, which Foster says isn’t surprising.
Cut 4 (12) “…any other region.”
Foster says the only sure way to avoid living paycheck to paycheck is to be rich. Short of that, she advises living within your means and taking notice if your paycheck doesn’t cover all of your expenses.
Cut 5 (12) “…and then essentials.”
Voting has begun for the 2024 American Association of State Troopers Best-Looking Cruiser Contest. This year, Louisiana’s submission features a state police cruiser at the LARC Acadian Village in Lafayette. Sgt. Ross Brennan with LSP says the village was chosen because it’s a…
Cut 6 (12) “…state police patrol units.”
Brennan says they considered locations such as the SuperDome to represent Louisiana in the contest, but ultimately settled on Acadian Village for its beautiful location and storied history. He says when you think of our state, chances are…
Cut 7 (11) “…different cultures.”
All 50 states submitted a photo of their cruiser for the contest. The top 13 will be featured in the 2025 AAST wall calendar, and the top-voted cruiser will be on the cover. Brennan says it’s been a while since Louisiana was featured in the calendar.
Cut 8 (12) “…with this calendar.”
Voting runs from July 15 to 29. You can find the voting link on LSP’s social media sites.
The Louisiana Automobile Dealers Association (LADA) recently released its 2023 Economic Impact Report. President and CEO of LADA Coulter McMahen says the industry is important to Louisiana’s economy, providing over 33,000 jobs and significant tax revenue.
McMahen says the independent dealer model is especially important to local communities, which is illustrated in the over 18 million dollars in charitable donations given in 2023.
Cut 10 (10) “…they’re involved.”
Without Louisiana Auto Dealers, McMahen says, the bayou state loses jobs and significant sales tax revenue. As for the future of Louisiana Automobile Dealers…