3:30 PM Newscast June 11

Governor Jeff Landry signed a bill earlier today reorganizing Louisiana Economic Development. Mel Bridges has more.

Cut 1 (31)  “…I’m Mel Bridges.”

Attorney General Liz Murrill was in Eagle Pass Texas Monday visiting the southern border. She’s the latest elected Louisiana official to make the visit where Louisiana National Guard troops are assisting Texas Law enforcement and other National Guardsmen in Operation Lone Star as they look to get a handle on illegal immigration. While there, Murrill thanked the Louisiana Guardsman and told them she prayed for their safe return home.

In Louisiana drowning is the third cause of death for children ages one to 14 and the tragic drowning of a 12-year-old in Ascension Parish Monday serves as a reminder of the dangers of water. In Baton Rouge, BREC Aquatics Instructor Daniel Burg says through a partnership with the Red Cross they offer free swimming lessons. They also offer adult swimming classes.

Cut 10 (11) “…we are.”

Bacteria that cause strep throat and some hospital-acquired infections may save lives. LSU Biological Sciences Professor, Roger Laine is working on cancer treatments using polysaccharides isolated from two different bacteria to destroy tumors. He says treatment with the polysaccharides, CM101 and PS1 will have minimal side effects because they target the blood supply and not the tumor itself which also prevents the tumor from becoming resistant to treatment.

Cut 27 (06) “…blood vessels.”