12:30 Newscast August 25, 2014

The popular Louisiana spice “Slap Ya Mama” has been told by the NFL they can’t have virtual on-field ads during game telecasts anymore citing the fact it may send the wrong message. NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said in a release that ALL virtual ads on the field will not be allowed during game telecasts saying some of the products and messages aren’t consistent with league standards. Jack Walker’s mother owns the company and says this would have been the third year they’ve run the same ad with Cox during Saints games…

cut 7 (09) “pull that spot”

Cox Media sent a message to the company and said the matter was over domestic violence issues the NFL is facing.

Tensas Parish officials say a 13-year-old girl, the daughter of First United Methodist Church West Monroe’s pastor, was killed Sunday during a church trip to Lake Bruin. They say Sarah Grace Tellifero was shocked by the ladder of a boat while trying to get out of the lake. Another girl, 17-year-old Christina Elizarov, was also shocked and she’s said to be hospitalized in stable condition. The tragedy is under investigation.

The Lafayette Police Department says a man is dead after he allegedly broke into a home. Spokeswoman Nicole Benoit says they were called by the shooter himself around 11 last night…

cut 3 (06) “of the residence”

Benoit says the homeowner allegedly armed himself, confronted the alleged burglar, and fired two shots at him. The identity of the victim is being witheld upon notification of next of kin. The investigation is ongoing.

The Baton Rouge Police Department is investigating a strange crash involving a train and a car that happened this morning. Authorities says the car was trying to cross the tracks when it was hit by the train, then the three occupants of the vehicle fled the scene on foot. Police say they later returned and will be issued multiple citations. There were no injuries reported in the accident.