Republican US Senator David Vitter is set to hit the television airwaves with the first commercial of his gubernatorial campaign. The spot will begin airing tomorrow. ULM Political Science Professor Joshua Stockley says this move is a sign that Vitter is ready to campaign…:
CUT 6 (07) “front runner status”
Republican Scott Angelle has been running ads this summer but we’ve heard little so far from Republican Jay Dardenne and Democrat John Bel Edwards as far as advertising goes.
The White House announces President Obama will visit New Orleans on Thursday August 27th to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Political analyst Clancy Dubos says this visit shows the federal government remembers the massive destruction…:
CUT 9 (10) “about New Orleans”
A panel created by the legislature to conduct a thorough review of the Common Core education standards and recommend changes, met for the first time today in Baton Rouge. During the public comment period, Common Core critic Kathryn Goppelt urged the 26-member review committee to take a hard look at the english and math standards that have created controversy in public classrooms…:
cut 12 (10) “do the work”
Alcohol and Tobacco Control Commissioner Troy Hebert announced the firing today of veteran A-T-C agent Brette Tingle. Tingle was fired for racist and sexual text messages on his state issued phone. This news comes on the heels of Hebert’s state issued vehicle being stolen and the thief attempted to light the SUV on fire. Hebert says it will be up to investigators to determine if the incident is connected to Tingle..,
cut 17 (07) “….there’s a connection”