The Advocate newspaper’s editorial staff has endorsed Republican Stephen Waguespack for governor. A Louisiana TV stations poll released this week showed Waguespack running in a distant third place for the October 14th primary, behind Landry and the lone main Democrat Shawn Wilson. LSU Political Science Professor Robert Hogan says the endorsement could provide Waguespack with a bump….
Early voting for the October 14th primary begins September 30th.
Have you been seeing more crickets than usual? A sudden surge of cricket infestations has hit Louisiana. LSU Ag Center Professor of Entomology Aaron Ashbrook says with stressed and dried plants due to the drought; crickets are now on the hunt for food.
August and September are prime months for both field and mole crickets.
LSU Health New Orleans School of Nursing has been awarded a million-dollar grant to help create a more diverse nursing workforce. Assistant Dean for Clinical Nursing Education Dr. Benita Chatmon says more minority nurses, could result in better health outcomes for Blacks…
According to the U.S. Census, minorities make up 40 percent of the U.S. population but only 20 percent of the nursing workforce. Chatmon says a portion of the funding from the Department of Health and Services will also go towards promoting academic success for minorities seeking a nursing degree.