12:30 LRN Newscast Sept 21

The Advocate newspaper’s editorial staff has endorsed Republican Stephen Waguespack for governor. A Louisiana TV stations poll released this week showed Waguespack running in a distant third place for the October 14th primary, behind Landry and the lone main Democrat Shawn Wilson. LSU Political Science Professor Robert Hogan says the endorsement could provide Waguespack with a bump….

Cut 7 (05) “..,second look” 

Early voting for the October 14th primary begins September 30th.

Have you been seeing more crickets than usual? A sudden surge of cricket infestations has hit Louisiana. LSU Ag Center Professor of Entomology Aaron Ashbrook says with stressed and dried plants due to the drought; crickets are now on the hunt for food.

Cut 9 (11) “…by lights.” 

August and September are prime months for both field and mole crickets.

LSU Health New Orleans School of Nursing has been awarded a million-dollar grant to help create a more diverse nursing workforce. Assistant Dean for Clinical Nursing Education Dr. Benita Chatmon says more minority nurses, could result in better health outcomes for Blacks…

Cut 4 (10) “…taken care of.”

According to the U.S. Census, minorities make up 40 percent of the U.S. population but only 20 percent of the nursing workforce. Chatmon says a portion of the funding from the Department of Health and Services will also go towards promoting academic success for minorities seeking a nursing degree.