8:30 LRN Newscast

A trio of anti-LGBTQ bills have passed and are headed to the Governor. Will he sign or veto? Kevin Gallagher reports…:
Cut 2 (33) “…I’m Kevin Gallagher.”

Governor Edwards does not have to worry about vetoing a permitless conceal carry bill like he did in 2021. The legislation that would allow non felon adults to conceal carry without a permit and training is dead for the session after senators threatened to add amendments to the bill that the author, state representative Danny McCormick didn’t want.

Baton Rouge Police have arrested 48-year-old John Hall after he’s seen smoking what appeared to be a marijuana cigar with a five year old on a video posted on social media. Lt. L’Jean McKneely…
cut 13 (13) “….through crimestoppers”
Hall is reportedly the ex-boyfriend of the child’s grandmother.

The Southern Rail Commission and Amtrak will meet with local leaders along the I-20 corridor today and tomorrow to discuss the possibility of passenger rail service through North Louisiana. Southern Rail Commission Chairman Knox Ross says they have submitted an application of funding to the Federal Railroad Administration…
Cut 10 (10) “…of things.”
Ross says the funding could come from the 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.