9:30 LRN Newscast

Is there a rift in the Louisiana Republican Party? State Party Chairman Louis Gurvich had made it clear the party should get behind Attorney General Jeff Landry as the state’s next governor. But LSU Political Science Professor Robert Hogan says not all Republicans are willing to fall in line…
cut 8 (10) “…different candidates”
Hogan doesn’t see these in-party grievances airing this early into the election year keeping a Republican from winning the governor’s race in the fall.

Law enforcement says the use of Glock switches, or auto switches, has grown exponentially. What looks like a harmless piece of plastic, can turn a semi-automatic weapon into a fully automatic firearm. East Baton Rouge District Attorney Hillar Moore says even though they’re already illegal in Louisiana…
Cut 4 (09) “…is crazy.”

Reports say Pete Carmichael will return as the Saints’ Offensive Coordinator in 2023. Kace Kieschnick spoke with Locked on Saints podcast host Ross Jackson.
Cut 3 (29) “…I’m Kace Kieschnick.”

WBRZ-TV is reporting the Department of Children and Family Services held a big going away party for former Secretary Marketa Garner Walters, who resigned after two children died from fentanyl overdoses, despite the state agency receiving warnings about the toddler’s well-being. Employees told the Baton Rouge TV station the party was held during work hours and it was tone-deaf.