Louisiana’s unclaimed property program is now connected to a national database where you can check to see if you are owed money from one of 49 states. State Treasurer John Schroder says if you’ve lived in other places you can check on one secure website-Missing Money.com
Cut 3 (08) “…and check.”
Schroder says the site is especially convenient for military families and others who have lived in multiple states.
Lt Governor Billy Nungesser is hopeful 2022 tourism numbers will eclipse 2021’s numbers and perhaps top a record of 53 million visitors in 2019. It’s not just the Crescent City that’s rebounding in tourism, he says they see record-breaking numbers statewide during Mardi Gras.
Cut 4 (12) “…really proud of.”
Starting January 1st, all one-and-two family homes sold or leased in Louisiana MUST have working carbon monoxide detectors. The state health department says six people in Louisiana died from carbon monoxide poisoning after Hurricane Ida, and nine after Laura. Metairie Representative Stephanie Hilferty sponsored the bill – which passed in the spring – after her own close call with CO fumes. She says it can cause fatigue, headaches and more…:
CUT 20 (11) “…monoxide poisoning”
If you are going to celebrate the New Year with fireworks, State Fire Marshal’s Office spokesperson Ashley Rodrigue says don’t handle fireworks if you are impaired and keep them away from young children.
Cut 7 (09) “…their own.”
And have a source of water or an extinguisher nearby in case things get out of control.