Police in Natchitoches arrest two people in connection with the Christmas day death of a 1-year-old child. Officers responded to a medical emergency Sunday afternoon to find the baby unresponsive. Efforts to revive the child proved unsuccessful. Police arrested the parents, 27-year-old Damian Jewett and 23-year-old Jocelyn Crenshaw, for negligent homicide, the investigation is still underway.
Sugar cane experts say Louisiana’s huge sugar cane industry was hit hard by the recent hard freezes…:
CUT 02(30) “…Golsby.”
Recent wastewater samples from Shreveport show an increase in COVID in northwestern Louisiana. The Center for Excellence for Emerging Viral Threats at LSU Health Shreveport has been monitoring samples. Director of Viral Genomic and Surveillance Dr. Krista Queen…:
CUT 10(11) “…sick yet.”
Even though the wastewater samples are from Shreveport, Queen says it’s indicative of the area in terms of community spread.
With the New Year comes a significant change in corporate taxes for Louisiana. A tax reform package passed by lawmakers in 2021 reduces the state’s corporate franchise tax; a tax paid on companies’ capital. Tax attorney and consultant Jason Decuir says this is a first step in eventually getting rid of corporate franchise taxes altogether…:
CUT 14(07) “…starting this year.”
Decuir says there are also triggers calling for further reductions if Louisiana’s revenue hits certain benchmarks, which IS projected to happen.