The hard freeze warning continues in Louisiana as most the state will not see temperatures above freezing today. The Artic weather is also causing numerous flight cancellations. The hard freeze warning remains in effect until 9am Christmas morning.
The Office of State Tourism will bring some Christmas cheer to displaced residents who lost their homes last week when multiple tornadoes tore through areas of the state. Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser says they worked with the governor’s office and moved travel trailers to state parks on the West Bank and in North Louisiana. The same trailers once housed individuals who were displaced by tornados in Ruston last year. Nungesser says because not every disaster qualifies for FEMA the state needs to be ready to step in and take care of its own.
Cut 8 (12) “…difficult times.”
Both of Louisianas Senators voted against the budget which ended up passing 68-29. Kennedy says he opposed the budget because it was written by Senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer and, Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Another reason he voted in opposition is inflation.
Cut 6 much money :14
Cassidy says the budget did not include his legislative priorities for Louisiana, like making the National Flood Insurance Program more affordable and fixing social security.
Cut 4 (07) “…cutting benefits.”
Cassidy was also upset that his Reinvesting in Shoreline Economies and Ecosystems (RISE) Act was not a part of the budget.