Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser says he’ll run a poll next month and then announce on January 10th if he’ll run for governor. Attorney General Jeff Landry is running and already has the endorsement of the Louisiana Republican Party and Senator John Kennedy will make a decision soon. Nungesser says he plans to meet with Kennedy…
cut 14 (09) “…plans are”
Senator Bill Cassidy announced last week he’s not running.
If you are cooking a turkey for Thanskgiving, remember to allow at least one day of thawing for every four pounds of turkey if refrigerator thawing. USDA specialist Kenneth King says for those using cold water to thaw their bird, it will take 30 minutes of thawing per pound of turkey and thaw the turkey breast side down and change the water every 30 minutes…
cut 10 (05) “…after thawing”
Flu-like illnesses in Louisiana are at a five-year high according to the C-D-C. LSU Health New Orleans Infectious Disease expert Doctor Fred Lopez says two-thirds of flu activity is occurring in people younger than 25 years of age. So Lopez advises staying home if sick, washing hands frequently, and getting the flu vaccine…
Cut 11 (09) “…hospitalization.”
Lopez says health officials are concerned about influenza spreading even more with people getting together for Thanksgiving.
If you’re looking for a fresh-cut Christmas tree, they are plentiful in Louisiana this year, that’s according to Kevin Steele of Steele’s Christmas Tree Farm in Washington Parish. Steele says while growers have faced an increase in supply and fuel costs you’ll save if you buy your tree locally
Cut 6 (07) “…the lots.”
Steele says the dry weather this fall did not affect the Christmas trees ready for sale, because they are most vulnerable as a seedling and we were not in a drought then.