7:30 LRN Newscast

An effort to recall New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell is underway. Historically in Louisiana, recall petitions have had little success. UNO Political Science Professor Ed Chervenak says citizen morale in the Crescent City is very low…:
Cut 8 (10) “…how successful they can be?”
About 21-hundred Orleans voters showed up to sign the petition during an event in Lakeview last night. Organizers will need to collect about 53-thousand signatures within six months.

We are wrapping up the third month of the hurricane season and the tropics remain relatively quiet. State Climatologist Barry Keim….
cut 13 (10) “…this point”
The National Hurricane Center is monitoring just two systems and they pose no threat to land at the moment.

The HBO documentary Katrina Babies highlights how childhood trauma can manifest as violence. Brooke Thorington talks to a psychiatrist about it.
Cut 1 (34) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”

According to a report by the Times-Picayune and the Advocate, Louisiana homeowners will see a 122-percent increase in their flood insurance premiums on average that will be phased in over multiple years. Premium increases are limited to 18-percent per year, while new policies will be priced at the new rates right away.