07:30 LRN Newscast, July 6th

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says almost a quarter million Louisiana workers quit their jobs to start the year. But one economist says not so fast..:
Cut 1 (33) “I’m Brooke Thorington”

The recently hired Grambling State University Volleyball Coach whose first move was to cut the entire team, has been fired. Chesley Lucas had been heavily criticized by parents and the student-athletes who were granted scholarships. Grambling says the move was the result of an internal investigation. Lucas says she plans to tell her side of the story in court.

We’re now just over a month into the 2022 Hurricane Season, and Louisianans are in a much better spot now that the state has new laws in place to protect insurance policyholders. Senate Insurance Committee Chairman Kirk Talbot of River Ridge says one of them is called the “Three Adjuster Rule”; targeting companies who slow-walk homeowners’ storm damage claims by assigning new adjusters over and over:
Cut 8 (12) “simplify that process”

A hearing is scheduled for Friday in New Orleans Civil District Court on the temporary restraining order filed June 27th to stop Louisiana’s trigger laws banning abortions. The TRO claims that the trigger laws were vague and unconstitutional. Loyola University Law Professor Dan Ciolino says he expects the court will rule against the restraining order..:
Cut 12 (10) “be effective”