The State Fire Marshal’s Office wants to remind you to practice fireworks safety this 4th. Spokesperson Ashley Rodrigue says it’s always best to attend a public display where professionals are handling them but if you choose to do your own fireworks display, step one…make sure it’s legal to do so at your location, and step two…make sure you choose the right one.
According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, 11,000 injuries were caused by fireworks in 2021.
A new fiscal year is underway in Louisiana which means the state’s new spending play went into effect on July 1st. Commissioner of Administration Jay Dardenne says as a result of surplus dollars the state made a historic investment in every level of education from higher education to pre-K…
Cut 9 (10) “…early childhood education”
Senator Bill Cassidy weighs in on Congressional hearings on the attempted insurrection at our nation’s capital on January 6, 2021. Kevin Gallagher has that…
Cut 1 (29) “…I’m Kevin Gallagher.”
With summer in full swing, people are out and about and COVID cases are on the rise. According to the latest data from the Louisiana Department of Health, as of June 30, more than 3000 new cases of coronavirus infection have been reported. Dr. Joe Kanter says it’s a statewide trend…