Senator Bill Cassidy weighs in on Congressional hearings on the January 6th Capitol riot. Kevin Gallagher has that…:
Cut 1 (29) “…I’m Kevin Gallagher.”
Another COVID surge sweeps across the state…Here’s David Grubb with more…
Cut 2 (34) “…I’m David Grubb.”
The State Fire Marshal’s Office wants to remind of you to practice fireworks safety this 4th. Spokesperson Ashley Rodrigue says it’s always best to attend a public display where professionals are handling them but if you choose to do your own make sure it’s legal to do so at your location and choose an appropriate one.
Rodrigue says never set off fireworks if you are impaired and it’s best to not to allow children to handle fireworks whatsoever.
And always make sure you have water nearby incase things get out of controls and when the show is over make sure they are watered down and no longer smoldering because Rodrigue says they could…
According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission 11-thousand injuries were caused by fireworks in 2021.
Louisiana U.S. Senator Bill Cassidy says, regardless of one’s politics, Americans should pay attention to the congressional January 6th hearings in D.C. Cassidy says it remains to be seen if former President Trump is culpable in the riot, but he feels it WAS “an attempt to harm the Constitution by interrupting the peaceful transfer of power”…:
On January 6th, 2021, President Trump held a rally at the Washington Monument to protest the election results. A mob of supporters marched to the Capitol, entered and vandalized the place, while trying to invade the House chamber. One person was shot by Capitol Police. Cassidy says he feels we can all learn a lot from what’s happening in the hearings…:
Cut 7 (07) “…concerning or not?”
And what about reports that some angry Trump supporters at the riot wanted to harm Vice President Mike Pence, who wouldn’t back Trump’s claim the election was “stolen”…?
Cut 8 (06) “…hang Mike Pence.”
Cassidy has harbored no love for the former President and irked many Louisiana Republicans by voting to convict Trump on his impeachment by the House for Russian Collusion.
A new fiscal year is underway in Louisiana which means the state’s new spending play went into effect on July 1st. Commissioner of Administration Jay Dardenne says as a result of surplus dollars the state made a historic investment in every level of education from higher education to pre-K…
Cut 9 (10) “…early childhood education”
Dardenne says there are also hundreds of millions of dollars dedicated to improving the state’s roads and bridges. He says motorists should see an improvement…
Cut 10 (10) “…infrastructure development.”
There are concerns the state’s economy may decline because of high gas prices and inflation, but Dardenne is optimistic the economic forecast they used to produce the budget will hold up….
With summer in full swing, people are out and about and COVID cases are on the rise. According to the latest data from the Louisiana Department of Health, more than 2200 new cases of coronavirus infection have been reported, with nearly 500 patients currently hospitalized. Dr. Joe Kanter says it’s a statewide trend…
Cut 12 (10) “…regions of the state.”
Fortunately, there is some good news. Two years since the start of the pandemic, about 95 percent of the state has either been vaccinated, had COVID, or both. Kanter says the concerns are still real, but the impact isn’t nearly as severe as in the past…
Cut 13 (07) “…getting very sick.”
Kanter says COVID is with us for the long haul, so we’ve got to get used to it. What we can do is take advantage of the tools available and make good decisions in assessing our risk for infection and be prepared for seasonal surges.
Cut 14 (13) “…high-quality mask.”