NOAA announces the 2015 Atlantic Hurricane Season forecast calls for 6-11 tropical storms, 3-6 hurricanes and 0-2 major hurricanes. Jeff Palermo reports…:
Louisiana’s unemployment rate remains above the national rate. Eric Gill has the story…
A bill that would prohibit hospitals from billing rape victims for their medical exams is one step closer to final passage. New Orleans Representative Helena Moreno’s legislation cleared the Senate in a unanimous vote. New Orleans Senator JP Morrell says this bill goes beyond merely paying for victim’s medical exams…
Moreno’s measure would would permit health care providers to submit a claim to the victim’s insurance company for payment, but the victim would not be required to pay any share of the costs. The bill now goes back to the House to consider Senate amendments to the legislation. Monroe Senator Bob Kostelka says this bill is important to preserve the dignity of rape victims…
A bill prohibiting what is known as revenge porn is close to legislative passage. Kenner Representative Julie Stokes’ measure has cleared the House and now has unanimous approval from the Senate. Baton Rouge Senator Sharon Weston Broome says the measure would make it a crime to share a nude image of someone on the internet without their permission…
Violators of the proposed measure could face up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine. The bill now heads back to the House to approve Senate amendments. Broome says this legislation will send a strong message…
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says the 2015 Atlantic Hurricane forecast will see between 6-11 tropical storms, 3-6 hurricanes and either zero-two major strength hurricanes. Dr. Kathryn Sullivan, NOAA Administrator and Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, says these numbers are below average…:
Sullivan emphasizes that a below average hurricane season does not mean that mother nature won’t throw a curve ball so it’s still important to be prepared for anything. She says driving the impact this year is the El Nino which has developed in the Pacific Ocean and has the effect of suppressing hurricane activity in the Atlantic…:
Hurricane season officially runs June 1 through Nov. 30, but the first Tropical Storm this year, Ana, already formed earlier this month and came ashore in North Carolina. Sullivan says their scientists also predict that sea surface temperatures in the key portions of the Atlantic will be normal…:
CUT 9 (06) “drive storms as well”
Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Secretary Robert Barham says Sgt. Scott Bullitt, who was shot last week in Ouachita Parish while on duty, remains hospitalized in serious condition in a Shreveport hospital. He says neurosurgeons performed surgery on Bullitt Saturday…
Barham says doctors were able to successfully remove the bullet and bone fragments from the agent’s spine; however, Sgt. Bullitt currently does not have use of his legs. Barham says Sgt. Bullitt has a long rehabilitation process ahead of him…
Doctors have yet to be determined if the agent has suffered any permanent spinal damage. The suspected shooter, Luke Hust, has been charged with two counts of attempted first degree murder in the incident. Barham says Hust has confessed to the shooting…
Legislation that allows medical marijuana to be dispensed in Louisiana moves a step closer to final legislative passage. The Senate-approved bill, received approval from a House committee today. The Louisiana Sheriff’s Association were in opposition last year, but executive director, Michael Ranatza, says tight controls have been put on the bill, so they’ve dropped their opposition…
If medical marijuana legislation is approved, it can be prescribed for spastic quadriplegics, those suffering from glaucoma, individuals going through chemotherapy, or epilepsy. Ranatza says he took the heart a message he received a proponent to the legislation who recently passed away…
Ranataza made it clear to the committee that the Louisiana Sheriff’s Association does not support the medical marijuana legislation, but they no longer oppose it as they’ve done in previous years…
(The legislation now heads to the House floor.)