Parade riders and other participants, like marching bands and dance troupes, must show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test 72 hours before the procession in New Orleans. Mardi Gras Guide publisher Arthur Hardy says city leaders are doing all they can to keep the event safe and allow the parades to roll.
Health officials in New Orleans say despite the high prevalence of omicron they believe Carnival and be held safely.
You may now place your mobile bets in Louisiana. Eric Ramsey of the network says Louisiana could be uniquely positioned to be a major player in the mobile betting market.
Cut 5 (11) “…that Louisiana does.”
Law enforcement officials in Southwest Louisiana announce a new Human Trafficking Task Force. Brandon Brown, U.S. Attorney for the state’s Western District says, all too often, the victims are overlooked and tend to “fall through the cracks.” He says the task force is there to help them…:
So far, the CDC has reported five flu pediatric deaths in the US for the 21-22 flu season and State Epidemiologist Teresa Sokol says one of the five deaths involved a child in Louisiana. The state has been keeping records of pediatric flu deaths since 2015.
And she says the last reporting week indicated a decline in flu cases in Louisiana.