The Lafayette City Court Judge reportedly heard using racial slurs on a viral video has resigned. Judge Michelle Odinet has been under fire ever since a video surfaced of persons watching an attempted burglary on home security video and using a derogatory term for the black suspect. She had been on forced leave without pay due to the incident.
Governor John Bel Edwards addressed the Omicron variant COVID surge during his latest press event. Brooke Thorington has more…:
CUT 02(33) “…Thorington.”
Louisiana will be on display to the world tomorrow, in the 133rd Tournament of Roses Parade. Lt. Governor Billy Nungesser is in Pasadena, California helping to prepare the Louisiana “Feed Your Soul” float, which will feature over 34-thousand flowers and a host of parade riders made up of real Louisiana heroes…:
CUT 10(13) “…help after hurricanes.”
The Saints face a must-win situation on Sunday in order to make the playoffs, when they host the Carolina Panthers in the final home game of the year. But the Black and Gold have won only once inside the Dome this year. Offensive tackle James Hurst can’t pinpoint why they haven’t been more successful in New Orleans…:
CUT 15(20) “…cheer about”