The Louisiana Department of Health says COVID numbers are showing the start of another surge. We tend to see a sharp increase in cases following holiday gatherings and State Epidemiologist Theresa Sokol says it’s imperative we all practice mitigation, and more individuals get vaccinated and/or boosted.
Cut 9 (12) “…vaccinated people.”
Inflation is expected to take a hit on roadway projects in Louisiana. DOTD Transportation Secretary Shawn Wilson says two projects have already been rejected because the projected price tag increased almost 50 percent. He says similar scenarios are expected leading to a potential change in plans to widen I-10 and construction of a new Mississippi River bridge.
Cut 11 (11) “…time of investment.”
Louisiana scores among the Top Ten states for election integrity according to the Heritage Foundation and receives high marks on the 2021 Election Integrity Scorecard for such things as voter ID implementation, management of absentee voting, and vote counting practices. Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin says it’s rewarding to have both sides of the political fence agree the state is doing a good job.
Cut 14 (12) “…are happy as well.”
The School of Engineering at the University of New Orleans receives the largest gift to an academic college in the school’s history of $5-million. UNO Spokesperson Adam Norris says Dr. Bobby and Lori Savoie made the donation and the donation will allow others to receive degrees from the university.