The catalyst for the veto session was Senate Bill 156 that would ban transgender athletes from competing in women’s sports. The Senate had a two-thirds majority for an override, but the House fell short by two votes. Brooke Thorington has more.
Cut 3 (41) “…I’m Brooke Thorington.”
Louisiana Workforce Commission Secretary Ava Cates is reminding unemployed Louisianans, they will no longer receive 300 dollar federally enhanced weekly unemployment payments after July 31. .
Cut 4 (11) “…ARP benefits”
About 147,000 Louisianans are still receiving the federally boosted payments.
The number of COVID patients hospitalized is up to 844 statewide. A 600-person increase since June 19th. 36-percent of the state’s population is vaccinated, one of the lowest percentages in the nation. Director of Infection Control and Prevention at Ochsner Doctor Katherine Baumgarten hopes people who recently got the shot, speak with unvaccinated individuals…
cut 8 (12) “….why they’re hesitant”