House Education Chairman Ray Garofalo, whose comments about slavery earlier this month ignited a controversy, says the House Speaker threatened to have him removed from the Capitol this morning if he tried to chair today’s meeting. Matt Doyle has more.
Cut 2 (31) …I’m Matt Doyle”
The LSU baseball team is back home after they were eliminated quickly from the SEC Tournament with a four-to-one loss to Georgia. The Tigers were 13 and 17 in the SEC regular-season and they are on the bubble to make the NCAA Tournament. They’ll find out on Monday.
Monroe Senator Stewart Cathey’s legislation that would prohibit a state facility from denying access because a person had not received a COVID shot failed to get out of a House committee. Cathey admitted to the committee he has not received the vaccine over concerns the shot will impact the ability for him and his girlfriend to have a child.
Cut 5 (11) “…vaccinated”
But Cathey’s proposal failed.
An E Pluribus Unum survey finds broad support across racial groups for requiring officers to step in when other officers are using excessive force. E-P-U founder and former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu says the survey also found a majority of southerners support major police reform…
cut 15 (10) “…might say”