House Education approves legislation outlawing the use of corporal punishment in Louisiana public schools. Baton Rouge Representative Barbara Freiberg, a retired educator, says children mirror the behavior they see in adults, and utilizing corporal punishment teaches kids to solve problems using violence.
Cut 7 (07) “..conflict.”
Twenty-nine school districts allow corporal punishment and parents are allowed to opt-out. BESE supports the legislation.
A bill requiring mandatory reporting on college campuses of power-based abuse passes unanimously in the house. New Orleans Representative Aimee Freeman says she worked with the Board of Regents at all public universities and STAR, Sexual Trauma Awareness Response Group…
Power-based abuse includes sexual assault and harassment, dating and domestic violence. The Bill now heads to the Senate.
The invasive species, known as apple snails, because they grow to that size is causing issues for some crawfish farmers. LSU Ag Center Entomologist Blake Wilson says the apple snail and their egg have besieged some crawfish farms in six parishes.
Wilson says the egg masses resemble bubble gum.
The Softball State Championships in Sulphur begin today and fans will be happy to know there won’t be any capacity restrictions due to newly relaxed COVID public health orders. Visit Lake Charles Sales Director Eric Zartler says last year the teams didn’t even get to finish their season, let alone have a tournament, so this means a lot to the players and community…