1:30 LRN Newscast April 13

A top priority of the 2021 session, a centralized sales tax collection system, receives significant support from the House Ways and Means Committee. Jeff Palermo has the story…

Cut 2 (31) …I’m Jeff Palermo”  

A body has been recovered from the Mississippi River in Reserve, Louisiana, according to St. John the Baptist sheriff’s deputies. Authorities have not released any more information except that the body appears as if it’s been in the river for some time. Over the weekend dive teams searched near the Mississippi River Bridge in Baton Rouge for missing LSU freshman Kori Gauthier

With Congressional efforts to raise the federal minimum wage dead in the water Governor Edwards is looking to the Legislature to increase the state’s 7.25 an hour minimum this session. Edwards says many essential workers don’t make a living wage, and after everything they’ve done for the state since the start of the pandemic, they deserve a raise.

Cut 10 (09) “..needs.” 

The minimum wage hasn’t been raised in the state since 2008.

The state department of health is following guidance from the CDC and FDA halting the use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine and investigating a possible connection between blood clots in six women and the one-dose vaccine. Tulane School of Medicine Professor Doctor Lisa Morici says this is only with the J& J vaccine this shouldn’t discourage you from being vaccinated.

Cut 4 (10) “…Pfizer vaccines.”