Lawmakers have approved a bill that would require third graders to pass a reading test to advance to the fourth grade. Jeff Palermo has the story….
Cut 1 (32) “…I’m Jeff Palermo.”
Restore Louisiana announces homeowners affected by Hurricanes Laura, Delta, and Ida and the May 2021 severe storms have until August 1st to complete a survey in order to receive rebuilding grant money. Teiko Foxx has more…
Cut 2 (33) “….I’m Teiko Foxx ”
EPA announces a $480,000 grant to DEQ to establish an air monitoring site in St. James Parish. Congressman Troy Carter says the people of St. James Parish are impacted by air pollution.
Cut 3 (13) “…and community.”
LDEQ received $450,000 to establish a temporary community air monitoring site targeted toward communities on the west side of the Mississippi River known as “cancer alley.: Carter says they want to make sure the community is safe.
Cut 4 (10) “…the air.”
Equipment at the site will produce near-real-time data on certain pollutants affecting air quality. Community groups, churches, local governments, and other partners can access the data to understand air quality. Carter says there’s still work to do, however…
Cut 5 (09) “…punish them.
Primary funding came from the American Rescue Plan. The grant is part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America agenda.
The Senate has given final legislative approval to a bill that attempts to improve reading scores. The legislation would require third graders to pass a reading test in April in order to to be promoted to the fourth grade. Franklinton Senator Beth Mizell…
Cut 6 (12) “…be retained.”
The legislation gives third graders three chances to pass the literacy test. Students diagnosed with dyslexia and kids still learning English could still be promoted to the fourth grade. Gonzales Senator Ed Price voted against the bill as he believes it’s an unfunded mandate…
Cut 7 (07) “…fund it.”
Mississippi has a similar program and they’ve seen an increase in reading scores. Louisiana has among the lowest literacy rates in the nation and Mizell says if the state can improve a child’s ability to read, it will lead to better outcomes later in life…
Cut 8 (09) “… we see”
The measure heads to the governor’s desk. If Governor John Bel Edwards signs the bill, the first literacy tests for promotion will be administered in April 2025.
Hours after releasing a photo of suspects wanted in connection with the Sunday evening fire at the Covington Walmart, two teens were arrested. State Fire Marshal Office spokesperson Ashley Rodrigue says it was the Northshore community that responded quickly which led to the arrests…
Cut 9 (12) “…from Covington.”
(The two suspects are a 15 and 17-year-old boys. )
The blaze caused extensive damage to Walmart and the store is closed at this time. In addition to endangering the lives of more than 200 people that were in the store Sunday night, Rodrigue says there are even more repercussions…
Cut 10 (10) “…frequently.”
Rodrigue says they tend to see more cases involving juveniles and fire over the summer break. She encourages parents to make it clear that fire is not a toy whatsoever.
Cut 11 (08) “…out of trouble.”
The suspects were booked into the Florida Parishes Juvenile Detention Center. Charges include Aggravated Arson, Conspiracy to Commit Aggravated Arson, along with Manufacture and Possession of a Delayed Action Incendiary Device.
The Louisiana Office of Community Development sets a deadline of August 1 for homeowners affected by Hurricanes Laura, Delta, and Ida and the May 2021 severe storms to complete the initial survey to participate in the Restore Louisiana Program. Executive Director Pat Forbes says there are still thousands of homeowners statewide who have not completed the survey.
Cut 12 (13) “…be eligible.”
Restore LA provides grant funding to homeowners affected by the 2020-21 disasters for home repair, reconstruction, and/or reimbursement for repairs already completed. Forbes says the program expanded its criteria for homeowners to qualify.
Cut 13 (13) “…reimburse you.”
Since launching in February 2022, more than 22 thousand homeowners have submitted the survey. Forbes urges homeowners to complete the survey even if they don’t believe they qualify.
Cut 14 (08) “…the survey.”
Affected homeowners can complete the survey at or call 866-735-2001.
Legislation seeking to allow non-felon adults to conceal carry a firearm without a permit is dead for the legislative session. Oil City Representative Danny McCormick decided to pull it from consideration, because of amendments senators were proposing to put on the bill…
Cut 15 (12) “…defer it”
That was McCormick speaking before Senate Revenue and Fiscal Affairs. Alexandria Senator Jay Luneau wanted to add an amendment to make sure training would still be required to conceal carry. Luneau says at a gun store in his district, he saw a young man interested in purchasing a handgun, but told the gun shop owner he didn’t know how to load it…
Cut 16 (08) “…else does”