Former St. Tammany Sheriff Jack Strain was already facing sexual misconduct charges, but now he’s also facing federal bribery charges. Kevin Barnhart has the story.
Cut 1 (32) “I’m Kevin Barnhart”
The RAVE Mobile Safety App is being released to Louisiana schools as a new, more effective way to contact authorities and coordinate responses in the event of a school emergency. Matt Doyle has more.
A national AAA study indicates deaths from running red lights has increased for the fifth straight year, setting a ten-year high of 939 deaths. Jeff Palermo has the details.
Former St. Tammany Sheriff Jack Strain is facing federal charges in a 16-count indictment accusing him of using his authority while in office to get kickbacks after awarding a public contract worth over a million dollars to run a prison work release program. U.S. Attorney Peter Strasser announced the charges at a news conference with the FBI and IRS.
Cut 4 (09) “…of the taxpayer.”
Strasser says Strain gave the contract to the son and daughter of two of his deputies, who worked as accomplices in the scheme.
Stasser adds the son and daughter had absolutely no business experience and no idea how to run a company of that nature.
Strasser says a relative of Stain’s got money out of the deal and Strain himself would receive regular cash payments of around $1000. Strasser says they were tipped off about the activity.
Cut 6 (07) “…can do something.”
Strain is currently facing a separate set of legal issues as relates to sexual misconduct allegations.
The state is rolling out a new school safety app that will give administrators and teachers easy access to the authorities in the event of an emergency.
When you open RAVE Mobile Safety you’re presented with five options; active shooter, fire, medical, police, and other. State Police Colonel Kevin Reeves says it’s for more than just the kinds of emergencies that grab headlines…
RAVE cost the state four million dollars.
In case you’re wondering if this sounds like an opportunity for some school kids to misbehave and call in false alarms…
The state will cover the cost of the app for all K-12 schools in the state, including charters.
Reeves says outside of major emergencies, the app will also offer staff the ability to communicate school-wide in the event of a less threatening situation.
Reeves says emergency situations reported in the app will be fed into the State Police Fusion Center in Baton Rouge, so authorities can coordinate an effective response across agencies.
Baton Rouge-based Epic Piping is coming to Lake Providence, investing in a two-million-dollar fabrication facility that will bring decent-paying jobs to one of the nation’s most impoverished towns. The census estimates the northeast Louisiana town is home to about 3,500 people and Economic Development Secretary Don Pierson says Epic Piping will provide good living wage jobs.
Pierson estimates the investment will generate 79 new indirect jobs as well.
Pierson says the new location will help the company meet it’s international customer’s needs.
In 2016 Epic Piping finished a 43 million dollar facility in Livingston.
According to the census, the median town income is 18,713 dollars, and 53 percent of the town lives in poverty. Pierson says these kinds of jobs can have a big impact on the local economy.
In 1994 Time named it the poorest place in America.
A new AAA study shows fatalities from running red lights has hit a 10-year-high. Nationally, 939 deaths were recorded in 2017, the last full year the numbers were available. AAA spokesperson Don Redman says the trend is reflected locally.
Cut 13 (11) “…the previous year.”
Redman says although 85% of those polled said running red lights is dangerous, many admit to being guilty of doing so.
Redman says it is important to keep your head on a swivel when sitting at a red light.
Cut 15 (10) “…before you enter that intersection.”
The 2019 season kicks off tomorrow night for the sixth ranked LSU Tigers as they take on Georgia Southern. There’s been a lot of talk in the offseason about an improved offense, but the voice of the Tigers, Chris Blairs, believes the Bayou Bengals will have one of the best defenses in the country
On offense, Orgeron has said the Tigers will line up in three, four and five wide receiver sets, but they also plan to run the ball 50-percent of the time. Blair says it will be interesting to see how the coaches utilize the talent they have on offense…
Grambling and Southern University are both on the road Saturday, but staying in Louisiana. The Jaguars travel west on I-10 to take on the McNeese Cowboys. Southern returns a lot of talent from last year’s SWAC Western division team and Coach Dawson Odums is anxious to see how they perform
Grambling will make a short trip on Saturday to ULM. Tigers Coach Broderick Fobbs says his team is coming off an excellent preseason camp…