The Red River is expected to crest by Wednesday in northwest Louisiana. Jim Shannon has more.
Cut 1 (30) “I’m Jim Shannon”
The state is getting the word out about a new savings program for families with developmentally disabled members. Jeff Palermo has more.
Cut 2 (31) “I’m Jeff Palermo”.
Flooding in north Louisiana remains a concern as a stubborn storm system dropped several inches of rain this weekend. National Weather Service hydrologist C.S. Ross says they are concerned about flooding on the Red River for the next several days….
Cut 3 (09) “this week.”
The Ouachita River is also expected to crest in Monroe later this week as well as nearby bayous and rivers. Areas in central Louisiana are also expected to get hit with high water as well further downstream on the lower Red River. Ross says there isn’t a break from the rainy conditions…
Cut 4 (07) “coming up.”
Ross says if the predictions hold true, several roads will be impacted as the Red hits flood stage…
Cut 5 (09) “access roadways.”
The Red River is expected to rise to 39 feet at Shreveport by Wednesday, six feet above flood stage.
LA ABLE is a new program that offers families with developmentally disabled members the opportunity to put tax deductible dollars in a safe state savings account to pay for future health and education needs. State Treasurer Jon Schroder says it gives families who, already facing a tough battle, a tool to help provide for their disabled loved ones.
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Families can put in up to 14,000 dollars a year, to a max of 100,000 dollars.
Schroder says the money is invested safely, so you don’t have to worry about stock market turmoil putting your family’s finances at risk.
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The fund operates similarly to the popular state educations savings program START, but Schroder says it’s not just for education, it covers health as well.
Cut 8 (06) “with disabilities”
A slew of last minute amendments added to some revenue generating bills in the House Ways and Means Committee has bogged down the special session. Shreveport Representative Alan Seabaugh tacked a number of changes that did not go well with Democrat Marcus Hunter. Hunter says the amendments are so in-digestible that this group of legislators might as well just go home.
Cut 9 (09) “in June.”
Democratic legislators held the House proceedings at bay during the morning as nothing was moving.
Cut 10 (11) “improved upon.”
House Speaker Taylor Barras says he spoke with members of the legislative black caucus this morning to attempt to resolve some of the issues. So far all members are looking for answers from the fourth floor.
Cut 11 (11) “the administration.”
Both sides agree something needs to be done by the governor…
Cut 12 (06) “the administration.”
Yahoo Sports reports NCAA Enforcement officials have looked into LSU Basketball Coach Will Wade’s recruiting tactics. But a source says the inquiry has stalled because of a lack of on-the-record specifics. Tiger Rag Editor Cody Worsham says it doesn’t look like the NCAA has found any wrong doing involving Wade…
Cut 13 (10) “for that”
The report says the investigation into Wade began shortly after he was hired last March. Worsham says so far it doesn’t like LSU is any significant trouble…
Cut 14 (12) “up to par”
In a short time, Wade has been able to recruit well enough that’s LSU’s 2018 class is ranked as third best in the country. Worsham says the high ranking might have raised some red flags from opposing schools