The Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s office says a man is behind bars accused of beating his pregnant girlfriend so badly, she lost their baby. Michelle Southern reporting…:
CUT 1 (30) “reporting”
The House Health and Welfare Committee approves a bill that would prohibit abortions in Louisiana that are based on the gender of the unborn baby. Jeff Palermo has the story…
CUT 2 (28) “reporting”
The Terrebonne Parish Sheriff’s office says a man is behind bars accused of beating his pregnant girlfriend so badly, she lost the baby. Captain Dawn Foret says they received a complaint from a concerned citizen that there were multiple instances of abuse involving 36-year-old Tyson Cheavis of Gibson and his 27-year-old girlfriend…:
CUT 3 (08) “pregnancy recently”
Foret says the victim admitted she went to a local hospital after being attacked by Cheavis and during an examination was informed her unborn child did not have a heartbeat…:
CUT 4 (08) “with his girlfriend”
Foret says Cheavis admitted to beating his girlfriend when he was aware that she was pregnant with his child in her second trimester. She says he also confessed to causing multiple injuries to the victim that ultimately lead to the death of their unborn child…:
CUT 5 (07) “feticide”
Bossier Parish Sheriff’s deputies are searching for a Haughton man wanted for swindling nearly $3000 from a youth baseball league. Lt. Bill Davis says 25-year-old Robert Martin III applied to be a coach for a team in a local league and began accepting payments from sponsors and parents for uniforms and other items. Davis says it’s apparent that everything with Martin was not on the up and up…
CUT 6 (09) “out the door”
When league officials discovered Martin had a criminal record which made him ineligible to coach the children, they asked him to return the money and any equipment but he never showed up. Davis says it’s obvious Martin had no intention of supporting the league or the players…
CUT 7 (05) “with our children”
Martin is wanted for felony theft. Detectives believe Martin may have fled the area or the state. Davis says they hope somebody comes forward who knows the whereabouts of Martin…
CUT 8 (10) “pretty low down”
The House Health and Wefare committee unanimously approves legislation that prohibits an abortion, if the decision to terminate the pregnancy is based on sex selection. Houma Representative Lenar Whitney is the author of the bill and she says the use of abortion as a means for sex selection is a social problem in a number of Asian countries where male children are widely preferred over females…
CUT 9 (09) “baby girls”
According to the Louisiana Right to Life, sex selection is a significant problem in India and China. Natchitoches Representative Kenny Cox says Louisiana should not follow what China does…
cut 10 (10) “their population”
The bill heads to the House floor for more debate. Committee Chairman Joe Lopinto read off the list of groups and individuals who oppose the bill, but none of them spoke out against the measure….
cut 11 (12) “for choice”
Baton Rouge Representative Dalton Honore has pulled his legislation that would have put recreational marijuana legalization on a ballot. Honore says times are changing and he’s glad the conversation about marijuana has been started this session, but his particular measure had too much opposition and he knew it wouldn’t pass…:
cut 12 (09) “opposed to it”
The use of pot for recreational purposes is legal in Colorado and Honore says he recently visited with lawmakers there. He says marijuana generated 76 million dollars in taxes for Colorado in the first year and the incarceration rate went way down, but he doesn’t think the people of Louisiana are ready…:
cut 13 (06) “little farther”
Honore says he talked to everyone on the House Criminal Justice Committee who agreed this might be something to do one day, but not at this time…:
cut 14 (08) “defer this bill”