According to data published by the New York Times, Louisiana has the most native-born residents in the country. Scott Carwile talks with a local demographer…:
CUT 1 (29) “reporting”
8 candidates have qualified so far for the soon to be vacated 6th Congressional District seat, highlighted by Democratic former governor Edwin Edwards and Republicans Dan Claitor, Garret Graves, and Paul Dietzel. Eric Gill has more…
Cut 2 Audio (28) “reporting”
Louisiana State Police says a 16-year-old was killed and two other teens injured in an accident yesterday in Lafourche Parish. Eric Gill has the story…
Cut 3 Audio (32) “reporting”
According to data published by the New York Times, Louisiana has the most native-born residents in the country. The newspaper indicates they found nearly four out of five Louisiania citizens were born in Louisiana. Demographer Elliott Stonecipher says this is due, in large part, to the fact that we have high out-migration numbers…:
Cut 4 (11) “native born”
Last month the Wall Street Journal published a study that found the top five happiest cities are all in The Bayou State. Stoneciper says many people who are born here are instilled with no desire to leave…:
Cut 5 (09) “want to be here”
Stonecipher says another reason so many Louisianians never leave is because they don’t have the means to do so. He says along with that there are many people here who don’t want to ever live outside of Louisiana because they are satisfied in The Bayou State…:
Cut 6 (08) “people are still here”
The National Weather Service is keeping their eye on a tropical disturbance forming in the Atlantic. Forecasters give this system a moderate chance of forming into a tropical depression or tropical storm in the next few days. Meteorologist Danielle Manning says the system is combating a little windshear and dry air…
CUT 7 (10) “tropical cyclone”
She says, over the next few days, conditions will become more favorable for the system to develop into a tropical cyclone. As far as where this system will go, Manning says it’s too early to tell…
CUT 8 (10) “very well”
Manning says if this system develops into a tropical cyclone, forecast models will have a much better idea of where the storm is heading. She says there’s no need to panic about this system, just yet…
CUT 9 (09) “about right now”
8 candidates have qualified so far for the soon to be vacated 6th Congressional District seat. This race is highlighted by Democratic former governor Edwin Edwards and Republicans Dan Claitor, Paul Dietzel, and Garret Graves. Edwards says he was first in Congress back in 1965 and he’s anxious to go back…
cut 10 (12) “make it better”
He acknowledges that the sixth district is a conservative area. But Edwards feels this election will not be about political parties, but about principles and performance…
cut 11 (04) “public good”
Republican Garret Graves says Edwards brings a certain circus-like mentality to the race…
cut 12 (08) “substantive race”
The candidate field in this race is expected to be very crowded. Graves says with a field like this, candidates will have to distinguish themselves…
Cut 13 (07) “and personal attacks”
The East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s office has released a picture of the vehicle that was involved in last weekend’s fatal shooting of a seven-year-old boy in Baton Rouge. Sheriff Sid Gautreaux says surveillance video from a nearby residence captured a light-colored, four-door sedan in the area when a shot was fired into another vehicle, killing Terrez Coleman
Cut 14 (11) “5-0-7-3”
Gautreaux says through private donations, a 10-thousand dollar reward is being offered, along with the 25-hundred dollar reward from Crime Stoppers, for information that leads to the arrest and indictment of the gunman
Cut 15 (09) “since it occurred”
Gautreaux says at this time his detectives believe this was a random act of violence. He hopes the reward money and seriousness of the crime will lead to someone providing an important tip in the case
Cut 16 (08) “forward with it”